What’s Bruin 2: The Game Preview – UCLA vs USC in The Crosstown Showdown

ByMike Regalado|

In his latest episode of What’s Bruin 2, we get a quick preview of the UCLA-USC game in the upcoming Crosstown Showdown. Show favorite Jim Bendet returns, we talk a little bit of basketball and finish with Jake’s final thoughts about the game.

We start this special episode with host

Jake Merrifield

interviewing cult favorite, “The Sports Godfather”

Jim Bendat

as he gives his take on the UCLA-USC series history. He also talks about what this will mean if the Bruins win and head to the Pac-12 Championship Game against


(though he is reserved).

Bendat then talks about this rivalry going back as far as he can remember and what it has evolved into since. One of his best memories has been how he literally has a “house divided” with his family and how that plays out every year.

More from Go Joe Bruin

In the second part of What’s Bruin 2, I get on the What’s Bruin Show Hotline and talk a little bit about the Game That Will Be. Though we have a lot of optimism talking about the Crosstown Showdown, we bring it down a bit as we talk about the UCLA Basketball team and their wipeout in the Maui Invitational.

Though there could be some improvements made going forward, but right now, from what we saw in Maui, the Bruins are in a heap of trouble, especially with Gonzaga, Kentucky and North Carolna on the non-conference schedule. WB2 then ends as Jake gives his final thoughts on the UCLA-USC game.

MORE: The Crosstown Podcast: Side A, Side B

All of this and more in this special edition of What’s Bruin 2 – The Game Preview. Also available at Podomatic.comiTunes and Stitcher!

