Where Does the Road Lead?
This writer is struggling to see the future for UCLA Football, other than “give Chip time.” Bruins could hardly be chided for calling that an unsatisfactory answer, yet it is the only answer that appears left to us. Chip Kelly is still using predominantly Mora players, and seems to still be instilling his philosophies on the offensive end (what the philosophies are on defense, few can say). The schedule in 2020 is markedly easier than 2019, though this season hardly proves that to be a given these days.
Ultimately, UCLA fans much decide for themselves if they are willing to give Chip Kelly time. This writer is. Many are not. This writer could not stomach a coaching search marred by firing a coach of Chip Kelly’s resume after his second season, before he has even had a chance to get his players into the program. Others might disagree. But time will reveal the truth, as it always does. It is likely that the powers that be for UCLA will give Chip one more year, but if he doesn’t go to a bowl game, it seems unlikely he would get a fourth.