I didn’t think I would write for Go Joe Bruin forever, but I never envisioned having a “last day”. That day is today.
Six years ago, for some weird reason, I thought I had what it took to report on the daily goings-on of UCLA sports. My love for the university and its athletic department was unmeasured and to be able to have a voice in the conversation excited me. It was just a hobby at first, but then it morphed into something more.
The thing was, when it came down to it, I was just a loudmouth. A loudmouth that loved to dive into stats and make bold predictions. It led me on an adventure that allowed me to not only write about the teams I adore but also help shape the narrative of UCLA Athletics.
It also allowed me to meet several individuals that shared my vision. From the hard-working writers at Go Joe Bruin I have worked with throughout the years to the UCLA fans that I have been able to meet to the professional writers that have given me a lot of useful advice, it has been quite a ride.
I have had both highs and lows during my time in charge of GJB, but all of it has helped me to become a better writer and a better person. It was difficult at times, but I would not change any of it for the world simply because it has led me on the path I never knew I wanted to go down.
With that being said, I now move onto bigger and better things. I have learned a lot during my time at Go Joe Bruin and I will take that knowledge and build from it in my next gig.
But before I do, I just want to say to all of you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.