For example…
Let me help you visualize this with on field activity: 1. Pick 6, followed by a 2. sack-fumble-usually a big boy rumbles for 6 or gets tackled at the 3 yard line-heehee like that visual? Yeah, slow running backs get tackled at the 1-yard line, and 280-300 lbs. front 4 defensive dudes running for their lives with the rock trying to get paidirt, usually get tumbled at the three.
3. Human Beat Box followed by a -Woody Hayes cloud of dust- Touchdown!! Followed by 4. another sack/fumble recovery at the opposing 17 yard line- followed by a quick strike from Rosen to whomever for, you guessed it, 17 yards and 6 points. These are just a few of the ways that that defenses can help dominate Down and Distance and help demoralize the 60-minute-enemy from it-don’t-matter-where-son! Scoreboard! Game!
So, managing Down and Distance on both sides of the ball is smart football. I mean not the worst idea ever right? In factuality, it’s exactly how a team wins this game of inches. They don’t want the throne. Not until they can see it! They’ll take the inch that gets them to the doorstep. A Wonka style ticket to THE SHOW!! I mean… you have to get to the throne room before you can sit down.
This is the biggest truth that I perceive in my life! I learn things all the time from my comrades in the Go Joe Bruin writers’ clan and from everyone around me, even my 2 yr old son, Benji. With that having been said, I’m doubling down on the importance of Down and Distance as not only a framework to coach the players mindset during the game, but something more akin to that one thread that threatens to unravel the entire fabric of a game plan. For any team’s offense and defense, it’s a completely symbiotic relationship. They’re just scratching each other’s back til the final whistle blows. Scoreboard! Bruins!! But there’s a third side.