UCLA at Stanford, September 23
Optimist: This should appease you, UCLA will lose, but just barely. This will be a hard trip up north, but one that brings the Bruins together as this game will be a stepping stone for the program. Loss.
Pessimist: Do my ears deceive me? You have the loss predicted correctly, but it will be a bloodbath. Mora will not have this team ready and Stanford will run all over UCLA. Fire Mora. Loss.
Optimist: I’m sorry, were you talking? I was watching the grass grow. It is much more entertaining than you.
Optimistic View 3-1 | Pessimistic View 1-3
UCLA vs Colorado, September 30
Optimist: There is a bit of a rivalry brewing with Colorado. This will be another tough game, but UCLA has the Buffs’ number. A big win for the Bruins to end September. I might even go karaoking after this victory. Win.
Pessimist: Ugh. They can’t lose them all, but Mora will try. Fine, I’ll put on a happy face and call this a win. But I’m not going to like it. FYI, it’s way too hot to be at the Rose Bowl in September. That’s why I will not go to this game or any until November. Loss.
Optimist: *Under breathe* Bandwagon.
Pessimist: What?
Optimist: Nothing.
Optimistic View 4-1 | Pessimistic View 2-3
UCLA Bye Week
Pessimist: Ugh. A bye week. I hate bye weeks. Mora will probably not practice all week and buy the team ice cream. Typical. Fire Mora!
Optimist: Are you seriously complaining about a bye week? Dude, get a hobby! Are you secretly an Arizona fan? UCLA will use this week to recover from any injuries and make adjustments. Oh yeah, and FYI, Mora is the Man!
Pessimist: Man on the hot seat! Ugh. Whatever. Is it basketball season yet? Oh right, Alford. Double ugh!
UCLA vs Arizona, September 14
Optimist: Hey, your team plays on this day… against UCLA! Ha! This is an easy Bruin victory. They win by 60, just to piss you off. Win.
Pessimist: Oh very classy. Do you write for that other UCLA site? Yes, it’s a win, but barely over a horrible Arizona team. Win.
Optimist: Get your own jokes, Debbie Downer!
Optimistic View 5-1 | Pessimistic View 3-3