Alright Go Joe Bruin readers, its time for you to decide who the top 10 teams in the nation are. Do you agree with the preseason coaches poll? Or do you have a completely different top 10? Either way let us know by voting in the first Go Joe Bruin top 10 poll.

Saturday Blitz
I know by now all of you are tired of hearing all of these analysts giving their predictions and are just itching to let them know who the real top teams are. If your favorite team is outside of the top 10 and you think that they should be there, go ahead and vote them in. That’s the beauty of this poll, it is all in your hands. Vote with your heart, vote with your mind, but most importantly this poll is here to just have some fun. Everyone loves polls and saying why they think this team or that team is the best, so we wanted to give our readers a chance to let us know what they think.
We give you all 25 teams, plus an “other” option if you feel there was a huge snub, listed below and you can pick as few as one team, for the team you think is #1 in the nation, or vote for all 10 and have your full top 10 factored into the poll. So let’s see it, America, who are your top 10 teams in the nation at the beginning of the 2014 season? What teams were left out? What teams are too high in the poll? Let your voice be heard!