Fan’s Take: Stud O-Lineman Alex Redmond Commits to UCLA

Crazy week in the world of college football.  Highly-regarded offensive lineman Erik Bunte decommits from UCLA.  Alex Redmond, a stud 4-star O-lineman decommits from the University of Oregon.  Friday night, UCLA head coach Jim L. Mora and his offensive line guru and and ace recruiter Adrian Klemm made an in home visit with the Redmond family.  BOOM!  Alex Redmond is now a Bruin commit!

UCLA is a great fit for this very large, very strong and very smart young man.  He wants to learn his craft and play in the league.  He wanted to attend a school with a program that would help get him there.  Those shiny Super Bowl rings on Adrian Klemm’s meat-hooks-for fingers hand, won playing the O line in the trenches, must have made for a compelling argument.  Redmond is an upgrade over Bunte and will surely make his presence felt in the coming years.

Here’s a video from The Opening.  Four of UCLA’s O linemen are shown working drills against some of the best DL talent in the country.  Redmond, Morris, Quessenberry and Lopez all show off their skills and strength.

