UCLA Video Vault: The 1974 UCLA Marching Band!


Here at GJB, we understand that — now UCLA basketball recruiting season is long gone, and UCLA football’s Spring Game has been over for a good few days — you’re itching for some UCLA news. Something. Anything. DEAR GOD, WHERE THE F**K IS MY UCLA NEWS?!?

Well, we don’t have any. Yet. But since we’re about to hit the lull that is the summer, we thought we’d keep things fresh by having a video vault of some neat, themeless, old videos from UCLA’s past, be it UCLA football, UCLA basketball, or the university at large. We encourage that you watch them and learn some things about the greatest university in the United States.

For our second post of our UCLA Video Vault series, we have the 1974 UCLA Marching Band, led by cheerleaders that wear those one-pieces. The Solid Gold Sound crew does some pretty neat stuff that I don’t see at the Rose Bowl these days, while also being terribly well-executed and awfully good at being awesome. Our current band is legitimate in their own ways, but sometimes, you just gotta kick it old school.

Check it (note: the uploader has no sounds, so don’t freak):

Pretty damn cool, if you ask me!

Back in my day (now), our squad didn’t form itself into pictures or words too often. They do a nice, more modern UCLA thing where they line up to look like our cursive logo, but they don’t become the trivia-heads and give clues — or are they the questions? — as to what is being asked. Very organized. Very cool.

And that scoreboard/screen? My damn, that’s old. I have only been here for a year (and I graduate next year; /sad face), but the current HD widescreen thing is pretty friggin’ awesome (that should go without saying).

Either way, 1974 was a weird, weird time, back when Ronald Reagan was the Governator and computers looked like this. How the uploader found out about YouTube during 1974 and uploaded it when there was no Internet is beyond me.

(Kidding, jerks.)